Monday 10 January 2011


          Let’s talk about the start, because we all need a start, and this history is no different. but, and I’m being honest now I know little of the start, this story has been passed down the years mostly by word of mouth, although the written part does start a very long time before the Human history, so in that sense it is probably a little more accurate than hitherto known, it is still a story that started as a verbal recollection and we all know how that goes (ever played Chinese whispers).  Also I am not saying this is true, but if you read it through, and you do not believe in ghosts, googlies and goblins, elves and fairies, then this version of our beginnings and how we got hear might answer a lot of questions you will obviously have had.
         In the first beginning or second if you believe in god, but before Adam and Eve.  There was animals in the sea, ok for their history you will have to ask an expert, I don’t know!, but when they came onto the land they came as a number of different species.  All these different species started down their own road of evolution, in many cases a number of different animals went down the same road, usually this resulted in a war to be the dominant animal of that evolutionary tract.  This was especially true of the human evolutionary sprout.
        Our spur was in fact made up of three animals, and I have called them Odlins, Humans and Glugs, this is a simple representation of course, they didn’t have names then, but they did have different and distinct character traits, or ways and they were at war with each other.  When reading this please remember this was a long time ago, prehistory, and these creatures were nothing like us nowadays, they had no language too speak of and only rudimentary communication skills, they probably only had a noise for danger, another for eat and a gesture for lets have sex..  Eventually some animals became subservient and others dominant this led to the species becoming less violent to their own kind and banding started, this is where this history begins.
        This is where it begins because this is where the good stuff starts, because with banding came language, it became necessary for the dominant one to give orders and pack hunting required more orders, and community living gave more time for communication, this is also the time when banding meant violence became more intense, less repetitive, more organised and bloodier, this was the start of the pathway that led to the most terrific violence of all, we now call it murder and it may be nothing to us, but then it was new and unthinkable, and potent stuff.
        So the three animals, because that is what they were at this time travelled down the evolutionary tract to eventually become us as we are today Human Beings.  Now evolution isn’t as simple and straight forward as all that and although they set out as distinct species and they travelled their own path along this trail they were influenced by their interaction through fighting with each other, and the greatest of these influences was the common goal of each, and of course it wasn’t long before they became so similar so as to allow interspecies breeding, but all this took place over many thousands of years, and this brief history deals with those thousands of years.
          Let’s start with Glugs; I have called them this because they were the most stupid, although by today’s standard all the animals in the world at that time were pretty stupid, we are talking of the time before thinking caught on.  All animals on dry land had just come out of the sea, so none of their instincts worked, they were not equipped to run after or from anything, if something started eating them they just laid there and got eaten, although when pain started being part of the process they did start to writhe and jump about, this sometimes resulted in escape, when they noticed this it became a defence trick, and this was the start of civilisation, the time when the animals started to think, no matter that it was basic and not truly intelligence that made them wriggle away, but common pain.  Now I cannot tell you what a glug looked like when it came out of the ocean, nobody knows, but I can tell you that of all the animals it encountered it was the most vicious, it had an overwhelming desire to live at any cost.  The main thing in its favour was that it had developed “ curiosity”,  now this might seem very banal but if you think about it curiosity gave rise to many inventions and discoveries, and helps in the gathering of knowledge to a great degree.  If you look closely at modern animals you will see that most of them have developed this trait and the ones that have developed if earliest have become more resilient than the less curious ones and a lot more so than the ones that have not yet developed the trait at all.
          So with time Glugs had curiosity which led to a form of communication, a common language so basic that it is still in use today, although human beings are losing the ability to hear it, but it hasn’t yet completely gone.
          When Glugs came to the edge of the shore and encountered plants, they had developed well in advance of the animals around them, and they understood that they had to keep going to remain not eaten, and of course to do the eating, this led to developing strong arms and a migration into the taller plants, and then the development of strong legs and the migration down from the trees, with strong arms and strong legs Glugs were invincible in their own little world and soon out grew it, then they developed stealing, the ability to copy an action that was good, the ability to take something that wasn’t theirs, was another great breakthrough, they were so successful they almost died out, starved by their own success, over population, so they had to become mobile.  Being mobile meant they came into contact with animals that their usual tactics didn’t work on so an evolution of hunting styles became necessary, this in turn led to an even greater understanding of their surroundings.
          Now I started with Glugs because they are the easiest to explain, because at this point their evolution seems to have gone into a semi-retirement, they didn’t exactly stop evolving but rather they became happy with their lot and just got better at doing that moving with the food, and they evolved to keep warm without external influences.  Of course by this time they were quite humanistic in appearance, and their language had developed to be quite comprehensive.
          THE LANGUAGE
          The language talked about here is the language used by most animals today, when you know someone is behind you even though you haven’t hear them or any hint of them, it’s because you were listening to the age old language of life, you heard the smell of them, the change in air conditions, the different heat around you the very essence of their being, spoke to you saying “I am sneaking up on you from behind”.  All living things speak this language including plants and fish, and it is exactly the same language, but today’s society makes us believe we must master a known language and built one, so it is hard to conduct life in two languages so we drop the basic one because there are some gaps in it, with it you cannot say cake only food, you cannot say run over there only run away.  Language has evolved quite some since these times we talk about here, but it is still the same basic tool used in the same basic way, of course as society has got more complex the language has had to keep pace, to see this in today’s context one needs only run a simple experiment, try talking to your grandparents the same way you talk to your friends, they will probably ask you to repeat yourself a number of times, but if you say it slow they will probably understand you.  Language is a verbal representation of body movement to represent an action, hold a finger to your pursed lips and everybody will understand you no matter what language they speak, even some animals will understand that one. 

          Humans were the most complex of all the animals, there greatest assets were they loved to mimic other animals and they were possessive, they liked to own things they soon stole, not to eat but just to have they learned to lie and cheat a long time before any other animal.  They not only mimicked other animals, but also has a go at nature itself, they saw things fall from trees and land on people and hurt them so they learned to throw things like rocks at people.
          Perhaps the biggest asset was their liking for sex, a Human would have sex with anything, and they would watch and copy other animals so they became quite adept at it.  This trait proved to all encompassing, when a Glug had procreative sex with a Odlin the baby would be an outcast, neither animal would recognise it as their own, but Human babies came in all shapes and sizes and so the Human simply took it in and raised it as their own, this gave the Humans a great advantage as within even quite a small group there was often a diverse range of assets available to them, the small could run fast, and there were lots of small Humans, the big could lift heavy weights and throw long distances, and there were lots of large Humans.  Another aspect unique to the development of the Human animal was the fact that they never got the hang of this is our shape and this is not our shape, they were constantly at war with someone even their own species, the other never warred amongst themselves, this led to a constant need to discover better and better ammunition for war, and better and better tactics.  It was not long therefore before Humans became the dominant species.  This meant that Glugs had to stop their march through evolutionary time and change direction, I believe (although there are meant different accounts of this) that they went back into the sea, and this is where all the aquatic mammals branched out from, of course the Odlins were affected in the exact same way, they also had to halt their evolutionary march and change,and therein lays the gist of this history account.

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