Friday 6 December 2013

Alone and bored again

Sitting in the kitchen writing this on my I pad. The missus has gone out for a meal with her friends and I am alone again. I have been invalidid and so do not work, she is fit and so works.  Consequently I spend most of my days alone in the house, I do do the housework, but that does not take long as there are just the two of us.  My mind is starting to, wonder all over the place, I think about what is wrong with the world, and how could it be fixed. I am not a politician, but every way I think of redemption it is stumped by the negation of big business, and all of them( and there are quite a few) would require a mass of people working together, indirectly.  I often wonder if sometime in the future this could happen.  I believe we as a species have come from a violent past, and we probably needed to be, but all I can see in the future is destruction of our species, unless we can somehow evolve into a community animal, like the ant, and pull together for the sake. Of mankind rather than for selfish reasons.
   Change is not a wave and comes in small little droplets, it will take many decades to even begin to change, but I hope, this is the start of it, people being people rather than wolves.
   I will miss the wisdom of Nelson Mandela, he made a lot of sence.  As a breed we could do with someone to fill his giant shoes, he said education was the greatest weapon we had against war, but I think war is not the fear, it is the fact of fear, people being afraid of change, yes even the geeks. But fear notwe are greater as a whole than we are as a single people/ nation/individual/group, team.  Love is and always will be alway be, stronger than fear.

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